Our supporting partners:
Boo – Last Rebels CMC elnök
After building several cars and Hot Rods, the building itself is at least as much fun for me as using these cars. I compete, I go to meetings all over Europe and I confess that those who care about this culture are the last rebels of a bygone era.
We try to be everywhere!
Car meetings, exhibitions
Many Hot Rod & Kustom cars shows are held all over Europe every year. We try to be present at as many as possible, even as an exhibitor if invited.
Car races
We regularly participate as competitors in competitions held occasionally in Italy, England, Finland and other countries of the Union, where our Hot Rod cannot be entered, and we also try to go there as spectators.
Club days, workshop visits
Every year, I have more and more Hot Rods and speed racing acquaintances, and we keep making new friends at the events. We would like to visit as many car builders and clubs as possible so that we can report on their work.
Self-organized events
We have two big events every year. On the second weekend of August, our American Motors on the Beach car meeting, and on the last weekend of August The Race of Last Rebels vintage car and motorcycle competition and festival will be held in Hungary.
You can buy tickets for our events at a discounted price. The sooner you buy, the bigger the discount!
Don't just follow the events here, but travel with us! – Hot Rod Tours
Discounted accommodation booking
Thanks to our regular group bookings, we can usually get a bigger discount when booking accommodation than as an individual traveller. We are happy to share this price advantage with those traveling with us.
Travel and program organization
Traveling with a group of similar interests is always a good party. We organize joint trips both inside and outside the EU as needed, and if there is no program, we will do it!
European event calendar
We are constantly updating our event calendar. Major events, meetings, exhibitions and competitions can be found here. Of course, our organized trip as well.
Visit the Hot Rod Tours social page and see our current routes!
The Race of Last Rebels
The Race of Last Rebels is a tribute to the skill and work of the car builders of the 1950s, a decade that marked the era of Hot Rods, built cars and Rock & Roll. The event only invites vehicles manufactured before 1965, ensuring the presentation of classic car construction and the revival of the rebellious spirit that defined the era.